A poetry: Me, Mine and More.

Jargon of an Organic Computer

Me, mine and more, reality with three shores;
Dredging for who am I; where am I;
Mirror on the wall lies to the pictures on the wall;
Truth and lies, relationships dead or alive;
Please tell me who am I, who am I;

Designs for living, traps of thought;
Running and chasing, enigma of thought;
Covering so beautiful, dressed as thought;
Enlightenment, moksha, nirvana and great thought;
Humanity, compassion, charity all tether of thought;
Who am I, where am I, craves the thought;

Names so many, called so many;
Titles so many, hid and fought so many;
Toys of thought, games and plays so many;
Tongue of thought, tasted and licked so many;
Spouse or sibling, uncle or aunt, lonely with relations so many;
Who am I, why have faces so many;

More to go, buy even more;
Possessions around crave for more;
More is less for the empty even more;
More to sniff and drink, eat even more;
Thirst is more, hunger even more;
More search of I, me is lost even more;

Pain ethereal, lurking in handsome cadaver;
Bantering the talk, wise yet palaver;
Torrent of lies, yet truth occasional shower;
Millions in journey, yet walks the loner;
Drunk in loop of thought, yet called sober;
Noise in action of thought, what to gather;
Scribbling the jargon, yet another organic computer.

Why are you sad and negative?

Do you ever say ‘WOW’?

A friend has asked such questions. According to her, this blogger is a negative person who finds fault with everything. At best this blog offers dark humor and at worst it looks at things upside down. The most despicable is the facetious attitude towards the human emotions. In the end the same question prefixed by another ‘Are you never happy for anything? Questions may sound many but essentially it is a single question. And answer is in full public glare.

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Surviving delirium of boredom!

Caricature of boredom.

Boredom is most popular word. Everybody is bored at all the times. It appears that we need to understand what exactly is this ‘boredom’. Is it an emotion or sensation or need or desire or what?
There is one constant about human mind, it can not stand still. It is always churning on its own till it gets tired when it comes out of one loop of thought and goes into another loop of thought. Between two loops, the moment of pause is boredom. At that time craving for activity or occupancy of mind is boredom.
To understand all shades of boredom Continue reading

Blogging: writing from abyss.


Warm weather is now hot during the day, successfully scaling above 100f. A rather unusually brief drizzle of rain brought some respite, yesterday night but day promises to return with same menace. Few tiny clouds in the sky are hardly enough for optimism. Like clouds words are few. Too few to write or to post in blog. That rain of words which used to drench is a distant memory.
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