Happy Deepavali / Diwali 2020

शुभ दीपोत्सव !!!

Life is like Rangoli. With all the diligence we draw our life, without knowing when it may whither away.

This year 2020 has been year of deaths and suffering across the globe. From health to physical discomfort to financial hardship or lowered living standards, almost every one has suffered. It is a reminder that our careful plans are at the mercy of uncertainty.

Let’s hope and wish that suffering would be over soon.

आदि लक्ष्मि नमस्तेऽस्तु परब्रह्म स्वरूपिणि।
यशो देहि धनं देहि सर्व कामांश्च देहि मे।।

शुभ दीपोत्सव !!!

Watch “Easy Diya Rangoli Design For Diwaliby Deepam Muggulu For Deepavali” on YouTub, below:

Ayodhya: Restoration of Ram Temple begins

Palace of Queen Kaushlya:

In ancient times earlier than 5000 BC there was a Kingdom of Kaushal presided by King Dashrath. The capital was at Ayodhya near present day Lucknow in state of Uttar Pradesh. King Dasharath had three queens, namely, Kaushalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi. Kaushalya was from the Kingdom of Magadha. Sumitra was from Kashi. Kaikeyi was from Kekeya Kingdom. 

To cut the story short, Ayodhya even today has palaces of these queens and King but one palace is missing. It is the palace of Queen Kaushalya who was mother of Prince Ram, an incarnation of Vishnu who is revered and worshiped around the world.

Where did the palace of Queen Kaushalya go?

Ayodhya also has a place called Kanak Palace which was gifted to Janki the wife of Rama as her nuptial gift. In this also a temple exist. But no palace of Kaushalya is in sight.

492 years ago Babar, an invader from West attacked India after he converted to become Shia in Iran with the artillery provided by Iran. He stayed back in Delhi. He had a male consort slave, a boy aged 16 years who was named Babri which means ‘belonging to Babur’. This boy died in one of the battles. The commander of Babur namely Meer Baki attacked Ayodhya and demolished the Ram Temple in Kaushalya Palace, did his loot, built a mosque like structure on demolished building, named it after a slave i.e. Babri, and left. His revenge was complete against Kaffirs.

The building was not a mosque as it did not have a place to vazu or washing before Salah or Namaz. The Ram worshippers started doing prayers outside in court yard. Many bloody wars ensued from time to time. In 1857 matter became a civil dispute over ‘Maszid-e-Janm Sthan’ as mentioned in revenue records. (Mosque at place of birth)

On 9th November Supreme Court of India decided the matter and gave the land underneath to build a temple as it had unislamic building underneath and there was continued possession and worshipping by them.

Yesterday Prime Minister laid down foundation stone of a Ram Temple at the site in Ayodhya:

Hopefully the main portion of temple Sanctum Santorum will come up in three years. The preparation was underway for 30 years. More pictures:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

To those secularists who find this objectionable, here is the picture from original copy of Constitution of India, with Lord Ram in the header:

All the best and

Jai Siya Ram.

The Real Holloween Country of the World.

Do Holloween scare you?

What if monsters actually exist?

There is a monster country which is very successfully hiding it’s monster deeds for decades but the world knows it or will know it eventually. Can you guess it’s name?

Holloween Country:

People are afraid to hang up it’s flag in any country except those who are paid to do so. The citizens of this Holloween country hide their citizenship when abroad. When they open restraunt abroad, they call it Indian Cuisine restaurant. Any guess now?

In it’s arrogance towards it’s own citizens, it lost half of its Country in 1971. The lost new country has higher foreign reserve and per capita income then the Holloween country.

It is estimated that it killed half a million people in 1947 and again a million people from 1947 to 1971 and again about a quarter of a million from 1971 to date. All its own citizens.

Holloween country fought four wars with its neighbour and lost all and therefore now it sends proxy terrorists to satiate it’s hatred.

Holloween country is mothership of terrorism in the world and every single terrorist attack anywhere in the world is linked to it directly or indirectly.

In 1947 it kicked out half a million citizens by attacking/confiscating their wealth and most of these people settled in New Delhi whose gdp today is about 110 billion dollars. GDP of Holloween country is about 300 billion dollars. Two top cities of this monstrous place together do not have combined GDP of 100 billions dollar. (Karachi is 64 billion, Lahore 35)

Any person of any country who visits this country is stripped searched at most airports but especially in USA. It’s prominent citizen explained the pain of carrying it’s passport:

The citizens of this Holloween Country are so competent that they can carry four legged animal on a two-weelar. See:

For it’s neighbours, every day is Holloween.

Rest of the world may enjoy Holloween for a day.

Happy Diwali 2019

दीपावली की शुभकामनाएं।

नव वर्ष २०७६ संवत की शुभकामनाएं।

Happy Deepawali 2019.
Happy New Year 2076.

May the lights of Diwali diyas fill your life with more prosperity, health, happiness, and everything that brings you joy! Wish you and your entire family a very happy Diwali!

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामया।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चित् दुःखभाग् भवेत्।।

सभी सुखी रहें, रोगमुक्त रहें, मंगलमय के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े।

इन्हीं मंगलकामना के साथ दीपावली की असीम शुभकामनाएं।