Happy Independence Day, 2015

Meaning of independence!

What is the meaning of independence? 

Independence is being self-sufficient but it is certainly not isolation. Independence is also not a fear of dependence. It is the confidence of being able to move on, no matter what. This is and has been approach of India as a nation.  Continue reading

Individualism and free society

Freedom can not be absolute.

“Despite romantic rhetoric, freedom cannot be absolute. To argue for total choice (a meaningless concept) or total individuality is to argue against any for of community or society altogether. If each person, busily doing this thing, were to be wholly different from every other, no two humans would have any basis for communication. Continue reading

Want to become a lawyer?

First advice to an aspiring intern lawyer.

The act of a Lawyer:

The world is a theatre and it is not a mere euphemism from Bard. Wherever we go, we profile others in certain image and as per popular images we as members of society have to ‘act’. Thus we are all actors without any room for innocence. Better actors, naturally are more successful.
Profession of law demands Continue reading

Suicider: Please wait; Give one moment please?

Suicide is the strongest and last disapproval of life. It is all over the news that debonair Minister’s wife died in mysterious circumstances. How Sunanda Pushkar wife of Minister Shashi Tharoor died is wrapped in mystery. Cause of death is not known probably drug overdose. Ability to keep secrets is not the trait, known for this Minister but the Government machinery is expert in that till the press shred it by quoting ‘reliable sources’. It is apparent that the lady was under acute stress if not depression. It is also apparent that Tharoor was suspected to be romantically involved with a Pakistani Journalist. BTW adultery if committed by a male person in India, it is not a penal crime even if it may be a matrimonial misconduct.

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Don't die young!

Every death creates short term turmoil. Eventually all is settled. But young death creates many problems. We do not live with freedom to die. Though it is a paradox but this very lack of this freedom often hastens death. In life, in commitments of marriage and family, we often create obligations, which upon disruption by death, rattles many lives. It is more true when wife is non-working. The best course appears to be: ‘Do not die young‘. But what to do to avoid the paradox, pointed out above.
In one sentence: ‘Change your lifestyle’. The truth is that mere change may be inadequate. A revolution would be better.
It was over twelve years ago when a class fellow fell pry to brain stroke. and about three years ago when another friend succumbed to stroke. Now a young friend is in hospital struggling with stroke. His younger brother died of same disease, two years ago. Things have been more complicated by diabetes. What is going on? What is wrong? Sudden strokes and sudden deaths?

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