Gardening and living!

Yellow-DehliaGardening as a subject and as a hobby happens to be least popular. May  be too plebeian. It also requires a regular commitment. Living in apartments amidst an ocean of polluting fumes, eclipsed in the nave of concrete jungle, we often do not miss the plants. Last year when I was in Bombay on several occasions, another congested and populous city, I realised how hideously un-green that city is. Air filled with sea moisture and obnoxious smells typical of closed places. Back in Delhi, I was glad that it looked like a big garden with roads. The pollution here seemed non-existent notwithstanding the fact that 20% of the city population has symptoms of asthma, at one time or another.
Coming back to gardening, it is awful that schools that waste so much time on science projects, laboratory experiments and cramming benefits of trees for environment besides moral science, show nothing about gardening. Continue reading