Remembering 9/11 and now.

America, the world’s most powerful country, was horrified by Al Qaeda on this day in the year 2001 with the 9/11 plane attacks. In just 102 minutes, 2763 people lost their lives.

When it happened in 2001, it was late night and we were watching the TV channels playing and replaying the scene of planes hitting twin towers. The question was what next? Which country would be hit next?

Millions of children born on this day across the world have also turned twenty today and it has also been twenty years since the terrorist attack.

The so called war on terror went every where from Afghanistan to Iraq but the breeding ground of terror that is Pakistan remained it’s close ally. For every candle of terror extinguished by USA, two new candles of terrors were ignited by Pakistan. The truth behind bogus military campaign was fully exposed on 26 November 2008 when Pakistani trained terrorists attacked Taj Hotel in Mumbai and one pakistani terrorist ‘Kasab’ was caught red handed. He repeatedly gave details of his home town, relatives their phone numbers as also the details of his handlers in Pakistan.

Now al-Qaeda’s official media arm as-Sahab released a 60-minute video statement of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the group’s elusive leader who was rumoured to be dead. The documentary-style video, released on Telegram, is titled ‘Jerusalem will not be Judaised’.

Ayman al-Zawahiri, who took over the command of al-Qaeda after Osama bin Laden, was underground for a long time. So much about finishing Al Qaida.

Today we stand at same place and USA is hoping that this time the terror factory i.e. Pakistan would be able to keep vigil and would not let any rogue terrorrist to be exported to USA. Meanwhile it is free to inflict injuries to India as per policy formulated in 1947 by UK and followed by USA when it took patronage of client country Pakistan.

There is one fundamental flaw in the presumption. Armies are raised and discipline is instilled in them at a huge cost both in terms of money and manpower. Terrorist created in a crash course to reach paradise ‘Firdous’ after blowing himself up, barely knows any discipline. Their loyalty is also attached to Allah. If any one could convince the cause of Allah, it does not matter to the mujahid as to who is killed and where.

The good thing is that these terror outfit can kill only a few hundred people at the time. So people of Europe and USA have to be careful not to be unlucky.

As regards India, it is the same old battle which started in Mopilla riots about hundred years back and institutionalized in 1947. Atleast 50,000 lives are lost since 1980 alone.

All the best India. Finish off this monster if it raises its head this time. No treaty. No assurance.

In an Islamic war treaty is a retreat to reposition better. It means nothing. So does the treaty of USA with Taliban.

India to launch National Intelligence Grid, very soon.

Remember Hollywood TV Show called ” Person of Interest”?

Soon it would not be entirely fictional. India is going ahead it’s long pendinding plan to form a National Intelligence Grid.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah is going to hold a high-level meeting on Friday to launch the National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID).
India is facing Jihad since it’s inception i.e. 1000 years and it fell before Temurite dynasty because of its failure to have proper intelligence. India was prepared for a war of supremacy but what arrived was a death match. The genocide and destruction that followed has parallel only in ISIS and it’s deeds.

9/11 in USA is another example of gross failure of Intelligence. Last 6 years in Indi have been remarkable as terrorists have been caught in preprations but no civilians have been attacked.

Reverting back to NatGrid, it will start working by the end of the year.

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The medley and the mosque

Wars, building, destroying and rebuilding:

9/11 shook up world. In USA woke its people to the era of third world we are living in. It is a decade ever since but grooming grounds of hatred, even though hurt themselves, continue to be revengeful.  Wars have nothing to do with wrong or right. It never did. It is about domination. Wars start off from hurt but end up with object of domination not peace. Peace is alien to humans. Co existence is a dream. If nothing they will fight over Mosque. An interesting perspective about rebuilding Twin Towers is here:

Personally, if I had $100 million to build a mosque that promotes interfaith tolerance, I would not build it in Manhattan. I’d build it in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. That is where 9/11 came from, and those are the countries that espouse the most puritanical version of Sunni Islam -a version that shows little tolerance not only for other religions but for other strands of Islam, particularly Shiite, Sufi and Ahmadiyya Islam. You can study Islam at virtually any American university, but you can’t even build a one-room church in Saudi Arabia. That resistance to diversity, though, is not something we want to emulate, which is why I’m glad the mosque was approved on Tuesday. Countries that choke themselves off from exposure to different cultures, faiths and ideas will never invent the next Google or a cancer cure, let alone export a musical or body of literature that would bring enjoyment to children everywhere. (via The medley and the mosque.)

When truth of a happening like this is in doubt how can we trust the sincerity of any cause for any war in the world? See (Truth Movement) Every religious symbol has seed of war not peace. It is unfortunate.