Secularism: USA may oppose Narendra Modi but USA Supreme Court shares his views.

Secularism: USA, India and Narendra Modi.

Narendra Modi in Indian Elections 2014:

Secularism is like Linux. Everyone has his/her own version of secularism. Elections in India are in progress and shall be over by end of week. Narendra Modi, the prime ministerial candidate of main opposition party BJP has declared that if he does not become next prime minister, he would start vending tea again, the vocation with which he had started his career in life. This reflects his confidence. BTW if he becomes PM, he would be the only prime minister who could boast such humble past.
The strange thing about this election was that present prime minister hardly, rather did not campaign for his party and his candidature was non issue. In fact entire campaign was centered around Modi, who intelligently planned and meticulously executed his election campaign covering entire breadth of the country and talking about his plans for development of the country. It was more like a presidential style campaign in USA, but in which no other candidate had that audacity or charisma to display or plan to share. Word on street is that there is a Modi Wave sweeping the country but it shall be seen after election results are declared on 17th of May 2014.

Secularism by US Supreme Court:

Unlike first amendment of the Constitution of USA, the Constitution of India does not mandate separation between government and religious establishments. The US Supreme Court has diluted the concept in the name of tradition. Read more about analysis of this judgement here.

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  • Moral issues raised around Narendra Modi and BJP:
  • USA’s denial of visa to Narendra Modi:
  • Narendra Modi as right wing Hindu:

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